We already knew that bril.nl was about to be released and indeed it is online now. The website has got a new hip look & feel, it has a countrywide network of opticians which can be visited for service reasons and plans for an intensive media campaign are on its way. Almost at the same time Ace&Tate has been launched. This is an impudent and poor copy of Warby Parker in the United States. Apparently a few Amsterdam guys think they can earn quick money. The mix of Dutch and English language is probably meant to look cool but works out pretty stupid. Once again lots of superlatives about handmade frames from Italy and the best lenses (however 1.5 which is probably not such a good choice with all those large frames today). Nevertheless, the consumer could already buy online and now he has got two more opportunities at sites with a more contemporary and modern look, obviously targeting at young and modern consumers with a lack of budget. Vision-Today keeps an eye on all developments and informs you day by day.