The Italian optical industry has shown some signs of recovery in the first six months of 2010. Export increased with 13,7% compared to the same months in 2009 but remained still 7,6% behind the export results in the first half of 2008. Sunglasses were the driving force behind the positive developments. Sunglasses export overall increased with 16,6%. Europa did rather well with an overall increase in the export of prescription frames and sunglasses of 7,4% but was beaten by the America’s with 22,3% and Asia with 25% and more specifically South Korea with even 44%. Export of sunglasses to the United States drew attention with an increase of 32%. Although other continents beat Europa in terms of growth percentages the European countries are still the most important export markets for Italian eyewear with 54% of total export.The continuing growth in the first half year provides confidence to the market and hopefully inspires and enables companies to put extra efforts in new developments and innovations which are of vital importance to every market and certainly necessary to drive the optical branch forward.