The last day we reported about the presentation of brands on social media and concluded that they can improve their presence. But how about retailers? Nobody will be surprised that sunglasses specialist Sunglass Hut is the absolute winner here with more as 400.000 followers. Internationally groups like Alain Afflelou in France with more as 100.000 friends and Arabic based Magrabi Optical with almost 100.000 perform rather well just like Specsavers with 85.000 friends. But most retailers have something to win here. German giant Fielmann has only 4.000 followers. Pearle Netherlands surprisingly has two Facebook pages which together count slightly more as 7.000. Dutch Eyewish or Brilservice did not discover Facebook yet. Some Dutch independent opticians like Lukx and Van der Leeuw have about 3.000 friends. All in all and besides some exceptions not very impressing. Maybe we should invest in following the successful brand and retail pages for some time and learn from them what they post and how.