This year Essilor Benelux cooperates with National Geographic which is famous for its breathtaking photography. Photography and vision have much in common and the cooperation gives Essilor entrance to the National Geographic archives resulting in great pictures for this year’s campaigns. This Summer the exhibition Wild Wonders of Europe, featuring photos of National Geographic photographers, premieres at The Hague. Their vision on the world is often amazing and surprising. To make the opticians more familiar with the cooperation Essilor organized a few workshops at the venue of the exhibition. Yesterday the Dutch photographer Jochem Wijnands explained about his work at the Dutch “Wadden” islands. Of course he illustrated the story with many of his pictures and before they went home all attending opticians received a photobook about this topic with the photographers autograph. With all this information opticians get more involved in the campaigns which makes them easier to explain to their clients. All in all resulting in more experience in the store and that is where it is all about!