Cate Blanchett for Silhouette

september 2, 2013

Post image for Cate Blanchett for Silhouette

Design classic Titan Minimal Art by Silhouette is still as actual as it was at its launch almost 15 years ago. Few designs live as long as this one which proves the iconic value of the Titan Minimal Art. Just like a chair by Eames or a building by Frank Loydd Wright it keeps its value and today looks as beautiful and contemporary as then. Especially when a top photographer like Peter Lindbergh shoots it at the face of a lovely woman like Cate Blanchett. Elegant, stylish and with exactly the right lens shape revealing the craftsmanship of the one who made it. The Titan Minimal Art is still the favourite of many people worldwide and deserves a place of honour in every optical store. Just like the posters with Cate which will draw everyone’s attraction.

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