Never before the CES, the major Consumer Electronics Show at Las Vegas, was that interesting for our industry. The development of new 3D technology and the important role eyewear plays in it, suddenly puts the major players in the optical industry in the spotlights. Polaroid is one of these players. The company is seriously involved in the development of 3D technology for eyewear and attracted a lot of attention at the CES with the presentation of Lady Gaga as member of the Polaroid creative team. Polaroid Eyewear presented its beautiful Best under the Sun collection as well as its premium 3D eyewear. Polaroid Consumer Electronics launched its Grey Label. Eyecatchers were a pair of sunglasses that can take and display photo’s, a miniature wireless printer for printing cell phone photo’s wherever you are and a redesign of the traditional Polaroid instant camera. Of course of all them revealed by Lady Gaga herself! We keep you posted!