With slightly more as 300.000 viewers for De Rekenkamer and almost 500.000 for Blauw Bloed, the last television show was the absolute winner of the two this last weekend in the Netherlands. Both featured an eyewear item. De Rekenkamer tried to make clear that eyewear is way to expensive but did not succeed. Blauw Bloed showed how (inter)national royalties contributed and still contribute to the popularity of (sun)glasses. Great styles, different ones during the season and always matching with the outfit, the need of good sportglasses on the slopes in the Winter and even sunglasses for the little princes and princesses, all of it got attention. Positive news from a different ankle once again attracting another target group. Missed it? Click her for the complete episodes of the Rekenkamer and here for Blauw Bloed or simply look at the items in the video’s underneath this text.