No, not by copying the prescription frames or sunglasses of the Austrian manufacturer but by contracting (former) model Helena Christensen as the new ambassador of the optical discounter. Only two years ago this same lady was presented as the ambassador of Silhouette at the MIDO at Milan. Please notice; in both cases she was and isn’t just the model in the campaigns but definitely the ambassador or spokeswoman of the companies. Apparently one can easily and overnight change taste, style and sense of quality or was it maybe the money that made a quick change like this interesting? For Specsavers Helena selected a choice of twenty styles which will be displayed in the stores as her favourites. Besides that she will be a jury member in the Spectacle Wearer of the Year election of the company. Specsavers announces it all as very special but we, probably risking another letter of Specsaver’s lawyers, think it is all not very original and a cheap copy of the Silhouette campaign.