Until mid of June all branded prescription frames at Pearle Netherlands will be sold for only 39 euro. Which brands are involved can easily be found out at the Pearle website. It is once again a strong signal for independent opticians to change their strategies. They need to distinguish themselves which is impossible with collections that are sold for far less money in other stores. Nobody can deliver enough added value to beat this. It is useless to blame suppliers for selling to chains. This is simply the reality of today and it will not be different in the future. Those who like to distinguish themselves should make clear deals with their suppliers and sell other collections. And, like we pointed out many times already, they should do that with a good story. Examples enough of brands and stores which have a philosophy, a good story, a mission and a vision and sell products that match with this story. It’s time for (independent) opticians to make choices, invest in marketing and communication and start telling their own stories!